
(Redirected from MekaSuit Boots)
MekaSuit HelmetMekaSuit BodyarmorMekaSuit PantsMekaSuit Boots








The MekaSuit is a highly configurable set of late-game modular armor added in Mekanism v10. The MekaSuit is divided into 4 parts, the headpiece, the chest plate, the leggings, and the boots. Each part of the MekaSuit can be upgraded with Modules that are installed with the Modification Station and can be configured by pressing "\" (backslash). It is considered the best armor in Mekanism and is very expensive to make and fully upgrade, even for late game players, requiring a large amount of Polonium to be processed into pellets. With a fully upgraded suit however, the wearer becomes nearly invincible along with several functions such as eating being able to be automated.

Notably, the Mekasuit will not burn up in lava or fire as an item.

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Crafting Recipe

MekaSuit Helmet:

HDPE Sheet Ultimate Control Circuit HDPE Sheet MekaSuit Helmet
HDPE Sheet Netherite Helmet HDPE Sheet
Polonium Pellet Basic Induction Cell Polonium Pellet

MekaSuit Bodyarmor:

HDPE Sheet Ultimate Control Circuit HDPE Sheet MekaSuit Bodyarmor
HDPE Sheet Netherite Chestplate HDPE Sheet
Polonium Pellet Basic Induction Cell Polonium Pellet

MekaSuit Pants:

HDPE Sheet Ultimate Control Circuit HDPE Sheet MekaSuit Pants
HDPE Sheet Netherite Leggings HDPE Sheet
Polonium Pellet Basic Induction Cell Polonium Pellet

MekaSuit Boots:

HDPE Sheet Ultimate Control Circuit HDPE Sheet MekaSuit Boots
HDPE Sheet Netherite Boots HDPE Sheet
Polonium Pellet Basic Induction Cell Polonium Pellet


  • Each MekaSuit armor piece supports a variety of different upgrades which give the user various benefits and abilities. Some of these are unique to a specific armor piece, and cannot be installed on other armor pieces. Upgrades are installed using Modules at the Modification Station.
  • Once installed, upgrades can be removed and, if the upgrade is not unique, can be reinstalled on other armor pieces by uninstalling it at a Modification Station and putting it on another armor piece as normal.
  • Each armor piece could have several modules of the same type installed to it depending on the module type, in some cases up to 8. In this case each additional upgrade will improve the ability/effectiveness of the module upgrade.
  • Each module can be uninstalled individually just like machine Upgrades.
  • Modules can be toggled through their various modes if they have more than 1 using the appropriate corresponding armor mode switch key. They can also be configured in the master menu for all modules.


  • The MekaSuit like most rechargable Mekanism items has infinite durability, requiring Forge Energy to function instead.
    • Every time the player takes damage it uses up some of the electricity in the armor, evenly distributing the charge loss throughout all pieces at once. Modules that take energy to function instead use it from the specific piece they are installed on.
    • The total charge remaining is shown both when hovering over the suit pieces in the inventory and as a green bar where armor points are usually displayed.
    • If any piece of the MekaSuit runs out of energy, it falls back to provide ordinary armor stats equal to the corresponding netherite piece.
  • When worn, the MekaSuit Helmet brings up an Augmented Reality inspired UI within the player's field of view. It displays the following information to the player:
    • Top Left: The remaining charge (as a percentage) of each currently worn armor piece.
    • Bottom Left: The current location coordinates (X,Y,Z) of the player, within a simple compass which shows orientation.
    • Bottom Right: The current status of modules installed. For example, it will display remaining jetpack hydrogen if the player has the Jetpack Unit installed, or how much food is remaining in the helmet if the Nutritional Injection Unit is installed.

Damage Reduction

The damage reduction of the Meka-Suit is configurable with the gear.toml file. By default, a charged Meka-Suit blocks 100% of all damage, but magic damage (like from potions or the wither effect) isn't blocked unless the Inhalation Purification Unit is installed (which provides magic damage immunity at the expense of energy). Also, the Meka-Suit won't block damage from other mods that's registered as armor bypassing (such as Create crushing wheels or Pneumaticraft miniguns).

Uniquely, the damage of the Warden's Sonic Boom attack is reduced by 75% only.

To reduce damage, 100 kJ (40 kFE) energy is consumed for every point of damage absorbed. With the Inhalation Purification Unit installed, magic damage instead consumes 1 kJ (400 FE) energy per damage point.


  • With a full set of fully charged but unupgraded (save for the Charge Distribution Unit) mekasuit, one can block 640 damage before running out of energy. After fully upgrading all suit pieces with energy upgrades, one can block 163840 damage before running out of energy.
    • or 100 times that if the damage is magical in nature.
    • Without the charge distribution unit, the damage absorption is lowered, as some pieces may run out of energy and stop providing total protection.
  • While almost entirely unneeded due to its massive damage absorption capabilities, wearing any pieces of the mekasuit will make piglins neutral to the player.
    • Piglins will also pick up and equip mekasuit pieces over all vanilla armor, even while uncharged. Note that mekasuits on enemies do not use energy to provide protection: they are equivalent to netherite armor. Mekasuit helmet will provide permanent sun protection to mobs which burn in sunlight.

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