Induction Cells

Induction Cells
Induction Cells





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Induction Cells are components in the Induction Matrix. Each cell increases the total energy storage of a Matrix. Note that this does not increase transfer rate; look to the Induction Providers for that.

These cells in 4 different tiers: Basic, Advanced, Elite and Ultimate. Each tier has 8x the capacity of it's former tier, with the exception of the Basic tier.

Upon upgrade from one tier to the next, all energy contained in the induction cells is retained in the crafting result. Upon breaking a Induction Matrix, the energy contained in the structure is divided evenly between its component Induction Cells.

Basic Induction Cell

8 GJ (3.20GRF) capacity

Lithium Dust Energy Tablet Lithium Dust Basic Induction Cell
Energy Tablet Basic Energy Cube Energy Tablet
Lithium Dust Energy Tablet Lithium Dust

Advanced Induction Cell

64 GJ (25.6GRF) capacity

Energy Tablet Basic Induction Cell Energy Tablet Advanced Induction Cell
Basic Induction Cell Advanced Energy Cube Basic Induction Cell
Energy Tablet Basic Induction Cell Energy Tablet

Elite Induction Cell

512 GJ (204.80GRF) capacity

Energy Tablet Advanced Induction Cell Energy Tablet Elite Induction Cell
Advanced Induction Cell Elite Energy Cube Advanced Induction Cell
Energy Tablet Advanced Induction Cell Energy Tablet

Ultimate Induction Cell

4 TJ (1.60TRF) capacity

Energy Tablet Elite Induction Cell Energy Tablet Ultimate Induction Cell
Elite Induction Cell Ultimate Energy Cube Elite Induction Cell
Energy Tablet Elite Induction Cell Energy Tablet

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