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NOTICE: At the time of writing (2024/02/14), this page is largely outdated. Please refer to other pages on this wiki for more factual information.
NOTICE: Wiki is in transition from 8.0 to 9.0. Most information is still accurate, but there are some changes to recipes. There are also new features and improvements that may not yet have been documented.
Mekanism is an independent tech mod that brings many different machinery types to Minecraft, solving problems nobody knew they had. The mod doesn't have any main goals, and you'll notice this when you see the seemingly random content Mekanism contains (from jetpacks to balloons). However, there is a somewhat linear progression system that is both easy to follow and increases in complexity as the player becomes more accustomed to the mod, making sure that the player will have an easy time getting into the mod without ever getting bored of it. By the time anybody has finished a mod pack using Mekanism, if they play a pack without it in the future, the first thought would be "Man, I wish I had Mekanism!". This seemingly simple mod has so much to offer to anybody willing to play, with minimal (but necessary grind) and ample rewards for the player's efforts.
Mekanism uses a tier-based system when organizing several of its core features (for instance: Energy Cubes and Factories). There are four tiers: basic (green), advanced (red), elite (cyan), and ultimate (purple), with each tier ordered respectively in increasing order in terms of energy consumption and processing slots (Mekanism does not directly increase processing speed every tier, instead it adds extra processing slots which all process the inputted materials at the same time. Basic is 3 slots, advanced is 5 slots, elite is 7 slots, and ultimate has not been implemented). You can upgrade tiers by placing the component in a crafting grid and surrounding it with the necessary resources for the next upgrade, or using an tier installer (basically an upgrade kit). Keep in mind that upgrade kits will not upgrade any tier to a higher tier; for instance, an elite tier installer will NOT upgrade a basic factory machine to an elite. The machine can only be upgraded to its next highest tier (Basic -> Advanced -> Elite -> Ultimate).
By the time the player has gotten used to using Mekanism, they will have unlimited sand and gravel just from a cobblestone generator, will have a simplistic sorting systems for all of their items, will be obtaining five ingots for each ore they mine, and will be boasting their powerful, heavily equipped, and very protective Mekasuit alongside with their even more powerful Mekatool, which combines the power of Vein miners, Tree Fellers, Axes, Swords, Pickaxes, Shovels, and Hoes.
Compatibility comes first. While Mekanism will run just fine alone, I (the developer) have spent so very long adding in integration to make Mekanism seem like it blends in perfectly when you have other mods installed. Whether you are powering my machinery with EU, RF, MJ, or whatever it is, they will work. IC2 and TE recipes are implemented in my respective machines, and just about everything else will work as well. I like to think of this as one of Mekanism's best features.
Ore Processing

Mekanism features an extremely advanced, extensive ore processing system. From simple machines used to process ores into ingots electronically, to complex chemical-based ore injection used to gain four ingots for every ore mined, Mekanism covers basic smelting, as well as 2x, 3x, and 4x duplication. All machines have configurable input and eject sides, allowing you to have complete control over how you want to manage your machinery. Mekanism also features the Combiner, which allows you to recreate the ores you've already processed.

Mekanism introduces the concept of "factories," which are multi-operation machines that can process multiple stacks of ores simultaneously. In a single machine, you can be smelting several stacks of ore into ingots, enriching several stacks of ores into dusts, or crushing several stacks of cobblestone into gravel. The Factories follow base Mekanism tiers, with the Basic Factories processing three stacks at once, the Advanced Factories processing five stacks at once, and the Elite Factories processing seven stacks at once. In other words, the Factory can be seen as seven machines in one in its elite tier.
All Mekanism ores have configurable spawn rates and disable options in the config (Mekanism.config). It's pretty self-explanatory.
Mekanism is founded on the resource Osmium which generates pretty commonly at any Y level below 60. Osmium can be used to create tools and armor, but it is primarily used in the making of machinery. If you have NEI or JEI, you'll see that you really can't do much without Osmium.
Mekanism also generates Tin and Copper, both of which can be easily disabled (and I'm assuming many people will since 99% of mods have their own form of tin and copper).
Armor and Tools
Mekanism brings five new sets of armor and tools to the table, as well as the ever-famed Paxel (an all-in-one tool).
However, as Mekanism is a "tech mod," it has to have some cool techy gadgets. The Atomic Disassembler is an expensive, electronic multi-tool that can be set to mine at different speeds. The Walkie Talkie is a super fancy device that allows for SMP-based voice chat. Can't forget the Jetpack and Scuba Mask/Tank combination.
The Robit is a cute little electronic robot that will follow you around and collect item drops for you. He also serves as a portable furnace, workbench, anvil, chest, and spirit lifter.
Mekanism introduces the "Digital Miner" - an automated mining machine that can sort through terrain and pick out the resources you specify. It uses a filter-based system, and will then go through the range you specify and mine the blocks it needs to.
Dynamic Tanks

Dynamic Tanks are the best of both worlds: whatever is in between Multi-Tanks and Iron Tanks. These are multiblock tanks that can be shaped as any rectangular prism (capping at 18x18x18). Use Dynamic Glass, Dynamic Valve, and Dynamic Tank blocks to create a tank fit for you!
Mekanism features multiple ways of transmitting items, fluids, gasses, heat and energy from once place to another, using devices we call "transmitters." Transmitters all have some similar characteristics, and these are as follows:
- Transmitters (excluding the Logistical Transporter) will not function when powered by a redstone signal.
- All transmitters work seamlessly with Forge Multipart.
- Excluding the Logistical Transporter which obviously behaves differently, transmitters hold buffers that are dependent upon how many transmitters are in the network. For example, if you have two Universal Cables connected together, your network will have a capacity of 20 KJ.
- All transmitters look really cool.

- Universal Cable
- Capable of transferring, well, universal energy from one place to another. These guys are super fancy and can be configured on their sides to behave differently.
- Pressurized Tubes
- Capable of transferring gasses from one place to another.
- Mechanical Pipes
- Capable of transferring fluids from one place to another. These guys are a feat of rendering, they look way cool.
- Thermodynamic Conductor
- Capable of transferring heat from one place to another.
- Logistical Transporters
- Capable of transferring items and blocks from one place to another. These function identically to RedPower tubes, and have a fully-implemented color-coded sorting system.
QIO is a way of storing large amounts of items that can be stored, searched, and accessed remotely in late game.