Chemical Infuser

Chemical Infuser
Chemical Infuser





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block




200 J/t

The Chemical Infuser combines two gases to create another gas. The gas gauges on the left and right side of its GUI are the input tanks, and correspond to correspond with the left and right sides of the machine. The gauge in the middle is for the resulting gas, which likewise is output through the front of the machine. The input and output sides can be changed in the UI of the machine.

Without any upgrades, it operates using 200 J/t and operates once per tick (according to the recipe's cost and output). Notably, each speed upgrade doubles the operation speed of this machine, for 256 operations/t production rate at maximum upgrades.

Chemical Infuser GUI


  • Should you get the wrong gas into either of the tanks, you can use the Gauge Dropper to empty or transfer it.


Infused Alloy Basic Control Circuit Infused Alloy Chemical Infuser
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