Tin Ingot

Tin Ingot
Tin Ingot.png
Tin Ingot








Tin ingots are smelted from Tin Ore which can be found underground. Tin is less abundant than Copper, but still a very common resource in the world.


Name Ingredients Smelting recipe

Tin Ingot

Tin Ore +
Any fuel

Tin Ore Grid layout Furnace Progress.png Tin Ingot
Grid layout Fire.png
CoalCharcoalOak WoodOak Wood Planks

Tin Ingot

Tin Dust +
Any fuel

Tin Dust Grid layout Furnace Progress.png Tin Ingot
Grid layout Fire.png
CoalCharcoalOak WoodOak Wood Planks


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Tin Ingot

Tin Block

Grid layout Arrow (small).png Tin Ingot9

Tin Block

Tin Ingot

Tin Nugget

Tin Nugget Tin Nugget Tin Nugget Grid layout Arrow (small).png Tin Ingot
Tin Nugget Tin Nugget Tin Nugget
Tin Nugget Tin Nugget Tin Nugget


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe


Bronze Ingot +
Advanced Control Circuit +
Tin Ingot +
Basic Chemical Tank +
Flint and Steel

Tin Ingot Tin Ingot Tin Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Flamethrower
Tin Ingot Basic Chemical Tank Flint and Steel
Bronze Ingot Advanced Control Circuit Bronze Ingot

Resistive Heater

Tin Ingot +
Energy Tablet +
Redstone +
Steel Casing

Tin Ingot Redstone Tin Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Resistive Heater
Redstone Steel Casing Redstone
Tin Ingot Energy Tablet Tin Ingot

Tin Nugget

Tin Ingot

Grid layout Arrow (small).png Tin Nugget9

Tin Ingot


Tin Ingot +
Basic Control Circuit +
Basic Chemical Tank +
Steel Ingot

Steel Ingot Basic Control Circuit Steel Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Jetpack
Tin Ingot Basic Chemical Tank Tin Ingot

Tin Ingot

Module Base

Bronze Nugget +
Tin Ingot +
HDPE Sheet

Bronze Nugget Tin Ingot Bronze Nugget Grid layout Arrow (small).png Module Base
Tin Ingot HDPE Sheet Tin Ingot
Bronze Nugget Tin Ingot Bronze Nugget

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