Chemical Injection Chamber

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Chemical Injection Chamber
Chemical Injection Chamber









400 J/t

The Chemical Injection Chamber uses Hydrogen Chloride gas to turn ores into 4 Shards. It is the start of x4 ore processing and requires a steady supply of Hydrogen Chloride, which in turn requires the player to have a Thermal Evaporation Plant running.

It can also turn Water Vapor and Dirt into Clay.

Like most Mekanism machines, the Chemical Injection Chamber has a Factory block of itself (Chemical Injecting Factory)

Chemical Injection Chamber GUI

Current Crafting Recipe

Reinforced Alloy Elite Control Circuit Reinforced Alloy Chemical Injection Chamber
Gold Ingot Purification Chamber Gold Ingot
Reinforced Alloy Elite Control Circuit Reinforced Alloy

Crafting Recipe Pre 1.7.10

Atomic Core Control Circuit Atomic Core Chemical Injection Chamber
Steel Casing Purification Chamber Steel Casing
Atomic Core Control Circuit Atomic Core

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