Solar Neutron Activator

Solar Neutron Activator
Solar Neutron Activator








The Solar Neutron Activator (or SNA for short) is a machine that directs the neutron radiation of the sun into its internal reservoir, allowing for the slow creation of various isotopes.

The input is at the bottom, the output is at the front. It does not need energy except for direct sunlight which can be intercepted by transparent blocks such as glass, cables, pipes, etc.

Crafting Recipe

Reinforced Alloy HDPE Sheet Reinforced Alloy Solar Neutron Activator
Elite Control Circuit Steel Casing Elite Control Circuit
Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot

Production Rate TLDR

Here are qualitative factors that influence the production rate:

  • The colder a biome is, the better.
  • The less humid a biome is, the better.
  • SNAs at higher altitudes are slightly better.
  • While raining or thundering, SNAs work at a highly reduced rate.
  • During dusk or dawn, SNAs are slower.

Production Rate Calculations

The production rate of a SNA is determined by several factors, including the biome it is in, the current time, and the current weather. Their impact is detailed below:

Every block position has a temperature value depending on its altitude and biome. A temperature coefficient tempEff is calculated with the formula 0.3 * (0.8 - temperature).

Every biome also has a downfall value. A humidity coefficient humidEff is calculated with the formula -0.3 * downfall, unless the biome can not rain, in which case humidEff is set to 0.

Together, they form a multiplier on the default maximum production speed. The formula is peak * (1 + tempEff + humidEff). This is the base production rate in the SNA's current position. peak is 64 mb/t at base, though it can be configured.

Then, the base production rate is multiplied by the current sun brightness, a number between 0 and 1. Finally, if the biome can rain, and it is raining/thundering, the production rate is 80% slower.

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