Energy Cube

(Redirected from Ultimate Energy Cube)
Energy Cube
Energy Cube








An Energy Cube is an advanced type of battery that is compatible with multiple energy systems. Energy by default can be input from 5 sides, and output on 1 side, but it can be changed by the Configurator as always. Stored energy is measured in Universal Electricity Joules but the Energy Cube is compatible with Minecraft Joules (Buildcraft), Redstone Flux (Thermal Expansion 3), or Universal Electricity Joules. When the Cube is in your inventory, holding shift will display additional data about the Cube’s energy level.

User Interface

The Energy Cube's user interface can be accessed by right-clicking on the Cube.

  1. Charge Item. Place a chargeable item like an Energy Tablet here.
  2. Discharge Item. Place a charged item here to discharge the item and charge the Cube
  3. Visual indicator of the Energy Cube's charge
  4. Charge data: Current charge/Maximum charge. Second line is the maximum power output in UE Joules.

Visible Energy Matrix

Inside the frame of the Energy Cube is a spinning, glowing energy matrix. The brightness of the matrix is a visual indicator of the Cube’s charge level, and the color indicates the energy tier: green (Basic), red (Advanced), blue (Elite), purple (Ultimate). The recipe for each higher tier of Energy Cube uses a cube from the previous tier, so if you need to upgrade your Energy Cube, nothing goes to waste!

Types of Energy Cubes

Basic Energy Cube

Color: Green Capacity: 2,000 kJ Max Output: 800 J/s

Advanced Energy Cube

Color: Red Capacity: 8,000 kJ Max Output: 3.2 kJ/s

Elite Energy Cube

Color: Blue Capacity: 32,000 kJ Max Output: 12.8 kJ/s

Ultimate Energy Cube

Color: Purple Capacity: 128,000 kJ Max Output: 51.2 kJ/s

Crafting Recipes

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