Refined Glowstone Tools

(Redirected from Glowstone Tools)
Refined Glowstone Tools
Refined Glowstone ToolsRefined Glowstone PickaxeRefined Glowstone AxeRefined Glowstone ShovelRefined Glowstone HoeRefined Glowstone Sword

Mekanism: Tools




Paxel: 450
Pickaxe: 300
Axe: 300
Shovel: 300
Hoe: 300
Sword: 300



Glowstone Tools rank fifth in terms of durability and third in terms of damage, if compared to the other tools form Mekanism.


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Tool Durability Attack Damage Attack Speed
Paxel 450 +10 1.6
Pickaxe 300 +7 1.2
Axe 300 +9 0.9
Shovel 300 +7.5 1
Hoe 300 +1 6
Sword 300 +9 1.6

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