Lapis Lazuli Tools

Lapis Lazuli Tools
Lapis Lazuli PaxelLapis Lazuli PickaxeLapis Lazuli AxeLapis Lazuli ShovelLapis Lazuli HoeLapis Lazuli Sword





Paxel: 250
Pickaxe: 200
Axe: 200
Shovel: 200
Hoe: 200
Sword: 200



Lapis Lazuli Tools rank last in terms of both: durability and damage, if compared to the other tools from Mekanism. When compared to vanilla Minecraft, their durability and speed ratings are somewhere between Stone and Iron tools, while their attack damage is the same as Iron tools.


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Tool Durability Attack Damage Attack Speed
Paxel 250 9 1.6
Pickaxe 200 4 1.2
Axe 200 9 0.9
Shovel 200 4.5 1
Hoe 200 1 3
Sword 200 6 1.6

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