Thermal Evaporation Controller

Thermal Evaporation Controller
Thermal Evaporation Controller





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block



Used as a component/block to build the multi-block Thermal Evaporation Plant. The controller for a Thermal Evaporation Plant, acting as the master block and heart of the structure. This block is the main way that players access the Thermal Evaporation Plant to check its status. It shows temperature, production rate, and capacity used in the input and output buffers. Input and output slots in the controller interface allow the player to manually use the Thermal Evaporation Plant, but the Plant is most useful when automated by using Thermal Evaporation Valve blocks to allow the connection of piping for input and output fluids.

A Thermal Evaporation Controller can be placed anywhere in the side walls, but only one of them should be placed on the Thermal Evaporation Plant multiblock. Prior to version 8, it had to be placed on the top layer.


Crafting Recipe

v9 Crafting Recipe

Advanced Control Circuit Glass Pane Advanced Control Circuit Thermal Evaporation Controller
Thermal Evaporation Block Bucket Thermal Evaporation Block
Thermal Evaporation Block Thermal Evaporation Block Thermal Evaporation Block

Old Crafting Recipe

Control Circuit Glass Pane Control Circuit Thermal Evaporation Controller
Steel Casing Copper Block Steel Casing
Control Circuit Glass Pane Control Circuit

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