Energy Tablet

Energy Tablet
Energy Tablet.png
Energy Tablet









The Energy Tablet is a portable, rechargeable battery pack that can be charged with up to 1,000kJ of energy and can then be used to power other devices (not tools). It is also an ingredient in many recipes.

Crafting Recipe

Redstone Gold Ingot Redstone Grid layout Arrow (small).png Energy Tablet
Enriched Alloy Gold Ingot Enriched Alloy
Redstone Gold Ingot Redstone


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe


Refined Obsidian Ingot +
Personal Chest +
Energy Tablet +
Steel Ingot +
Atomic Alloy

Steel Ingot
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Robit
Energy Tablet Atomic Alloy Energy Tablet
Refined Obsidian Ingot Personal Chest Refined Obsidian Ingot

Atomic Disassembler

Refined Obsidian Ingot +
Energy Tablet +
Atomic Alloy +
Infused Alloy

Infused Alloy Energy Tablet Infused Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Atomic Disassembler
Infused Alloy Atomic Alloy Infused Alloy

Refined Obsidian Ingot

Basic Energy Cube

Redstone +
Energy Tablet +
Steel Casing +
Iron Ingot

Redstone Energy Tablet Redstone Grid layout Arrow (small).png Basic Energy Cube
Iron Ingot Steel Casing Iron Ingot
Redstone Energy Tablet Redstone

Advanced Energy Cube

Infused Alloy +
Energy Tablet +
Basic Energy Cube +
Osmium Ingot

Infused Alloy Energy Tablet Infused Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Advanced Energy Cube
Osmium Ingot Basic Energy Cube Osmium Ingot
Infused Alloy Energy Tablet Infused Alloy

Elite Energy Cube

Reinforced Alloy +
Energy Tablet +
Advanced Energy Cube +
Gold Ingot

Reinforced Alloy Energy Tablet Reinforced Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Elite Energy Cube
Gold Ingot Advanced Energy Cube Gold Ingot
Reinforced Alloy Energy Tablet Reinforced Alloy

Ultimate Energy Cube

Atomic Alloy +
Energy Tablet +
Elite Energy Cube +

Atomic Alloy Energy Tablet Atomic Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Ultimate Energy Cube
Diamond Elite Energy Cube Diamond
Atomic Alloy Energy Tablet Atomic Alloy

Free Runners

Energy Tablet +
Basic Control Circuit +
Infused Alloy

Basic Control Circuit
Basic Control Circuit Grid layout Arrow (small).png Free Runners
Infused Alloy
Infused Alloy
Energy Tablet
Energy Tablet

Induction Casing

Steel Ingot +
Energy Tablet

Steel Ingot
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Induction Casing4
Steel Ingot Energy Tablet Steel Ingot

Steel Ingot

Resistive Heater

Tin Ingot +
Energy Tablet +
Redstone +
Steel Casing

Tin Ingot Redstone Tin Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Resistive Heater
Redstone Steel Casing Redstone
Tin Ingot Energy Tablet Tin Ingot

Hydraulic Propulsion Unit

Polonium Pellet +
Free Runners +
Module Base +
Reinforced Alloy +
Energy Tablet

Reinforced Alloy Free Runners Reinforced Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hydraulic Propulsion Unit
Energy Tablet Module Base Energy Tablet
Polonium Pellet Polonium Pellet Polonium Pellet

Locomotive Boosting Unit

Polonium Pellet +
Diamond Leggings +
Module Base +
Reinforced Alloy +
Energy Tablet

Reinforced Alloy Diamond Leggings Reinforced Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Locomotive Boosting Unit
Energy Tablet Module Base Energy Tablet
Polonium Pellet Polonium Pellet Polonium Pellet

Electromagnetic Coil

Steel Ingot +
Gold Ingot +
Energy Tablet

Steel Ingot Gold Ingot Steel Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Electromagnetic Coil
Gold Ingot Energy Tablet Gold Ingot
Steel Ingot Gold Ingot Steel Ingot

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