Glow Panel

Glow Panel
Glow PanelGreen Glow PanelRed Glow PanelBlue Glow PanelBrown Glow PanelPurple Glow PanelCyan Glow PanelLight Gray Glow PanelGray Glow PanelLime Glow PanelPink Glow PanelYellow Glow PanelLight Blue Glow PanelMagenta Glow PanelOrange Glow PanelWhite Glow Panel





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Used as a decoration block, along with other Aesthetic Blocks. Light source. Can be dyed.

Crafting Recipe

Glass Pane HDPE Sheet Glass Pane Glow Panel2
HDPE Sheet
HDPE Sheet
Glowstone Dust HDPE Sheet Glowstone Dust

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