Tutorials/Advanced Ore Processing Setup
This is a follow-up to Tutorials/Basic Ore Processing Setup. It will teach you the more advanced tiers of ore processing in Mekanism. If you are not familiar with the earlier tiers of ore processing, it is recommended that you check out Tutorials/Basic Ore Processing Setup.
Tier 3

Tier 3 ore processing results in a x4 ingot production. It introduces the Chemical Infuser, the Chemical Injection Chamber, and the Thermal Evaporation Plant multiblock structure. The Chemical Injection Chamber requires energy and Hydrogen Chloride to turn ores into 4 Shards. Shards can then be put into a Purification Chamber with Oxygen to be changed into Clumps. A Crusher crushes clumps into Dirty Dusts. Dirty dusts put into an Enrichment Chamber turn into regular Dusts which can be smelted into ingots. After following this process, you will get four ingots per ore.
Acquiring Hydrogen Chloride is a long process. You need to build a Thermal Evaporation Plant to turn water into Brine. Put water into one valve using Mechanical Pipe and suck brine out of the plant through another valve, also using pipe, but setting the segment attached to the valve to "pull" using a Configurator. You can separate brine into Sodium and Chlorine with an Electrolytic Separator. Chlorine can be infused with Hydrogen using the Chemical Infuser to make Hydrogen Chloride to put in your Chemical Injection Chamber.
New recipes
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Thermal Evaporation Plant recipes
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Tier 4

Tier 4 is very complicated and results in a x5 ingot production. You probably shouldn't try it unless you are either very serious about Mekanism or you are bored and have nothing else to do. It introduces the Chemical Dissolution Chamber, the Chemical Washer, the Chemical Crystallizer, the Rotary Condensentrator, and the Chemical Oxidizer. The Chemical Dissolution Chamber changes ores into 1000 mB of Slurry using Sulfuric Acid. Slurry can be put into the Chemical Washer with water to be processed into Clean Slurry. Clean slurry can be put into the Chemical Crystallizer to be changed into Crystals. Crystals can be put into a Chemical Injection Chamber to be changed into shards. Then process shards like you would in Tier 3 processing. (Chemical Injection Chamber → Purification Chamber → Crusher → Enrichment Chamber → Furnace/Energized Smelter)
Slurry can be transported through Pressurized Tubes and Gas Tanks like gases.
You will need to make extra Hydrogen Chloride to make Sulfuric Acid, and it is up to you how to do that. Once you put gunpowder into a Chemical Injection Chamber with Hydrogen Chloride, you can make Sulfur Dust. Sulfur Dust can be put into the Chemical Oxidizer to make Sulfur Dioxide. Note: The Chemical Oxidizer does not require Oxygen to run. Putting Sulfur Dioxide in a Chemical Infuser with Oxygen makes Sulfur Trioxide. Sulfur Trioxide combined with Water Vapor (Water put in a Rotary Condensentrator) in a Chemical Infuser to get Sulfuric Acid for use in the Chemical Dissolution Chamber.
New recipes
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