Solar Generator

Solar Generator
Solar Generator.png
Solar Generator

Mekanism: Generators




A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block




Max 60 J/t
Commonly 44 J/t

The Solar Generator harnesses sunlight to create power. The generator is particularly useful for generating passive energy for above-ground machines instead of draining your main stores.

While active, it will output 1200 J/sec (60 J/t) through the bottom of the panel base. It has a small 96 kJ internal power buffer. This Solar Generator's low output limits its usefulness, but that isn't the case with its larger cousin, the Advanced Solar Generator.

User Interface

Solar Generator Interface

  1. Sun up/Sun down indicator
  2. Information display: Storage level, Sun exposure true/false, Maximum output from the energy buffer
  3. Place an item here to charge the item.
  4. Visual energy storage indicator

Crafting Recipe

Current Crafting Recipe

Solar Panel Solar Panel Solar Panel Grid layout Arrow (small).png Solar Generator
Infused Alloy Iron Ingot Infused Alloy
Osmium Ingot Energy Tablet Osmium Ingot

Old Crafting Recipe

Solar Panel Solar Panel Solar Panel Grid layout Arrow (small).png Solar Generator
Infused Alloy Iron Ingot Infused Alloy
Osmium Dust Energy Tablet Osmium Dust

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