Electrolytic Separator

Electrolytic Separator
Electrolytic Separator





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block




400 J/t

The Electrolytic Separator separates water or brine into useful gases.

The Electrolytic Separator requires a constant supply of power and must have a source of a suitable liquid in order to produce the gases. As the liquid is electrolyzed, the component gases will be stored in its internal tanks. Should either tank fill completely, the Separator will turn off. Connecting a Pressurized Tube or other compatible pipe to both tanks will remove the gas. If you are only using a single gas, selecting "dump" for the unused gas will vent it to the environment, preventing that internal tank from filling completely and stopping the Separator.

Since Mekanism 7.1 (Minecraft 1.7.10) the Electrolytic Separator requires 400 joules of power per tick, or 160 FE per tick. Without upgrades, it performs 1 operation per tick. Notably, each speed upgrade doubles the operation speed of this machine, for 256 operations per tick with the maximum of 8 speed upgrades.

Please note that while the Electrolytic Separator does take Energy Upgrades, they don't actually affect the machine's energy efficiency, for balancing purposes.

Crafting Recipe

Iron Ingot Redstone Iron Ingot Electrolytic Separator
Enriched Alloy Electrolytic Core Enriched Alloy
Iron Ingot Redstone Iron Ingot

Processing Water

Typically the first application of the Electrolytic Separator is in the electrolyzing of water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Both have various uses within other recipes.

Processing Brine

Highter-tier ore processing requires the creation of Chlorine, which is a product of electrolyzing the sodium chlorides in a Brine solution.

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