Chemical Dissolution Chamber

Chemical Dissolution Chamber
Chemical Dissolution Chamber





This block can be broken with any tool, but a pickaxe is the quickest


Not stackable


400 J/t

The Chemical Dissolution Chamber is the first machine in the x5 ore processing setup. It turns raw ores into slurry using Sulfuric Acid. The machine uses 100 mB of sulfuric acid for every ore dissolved and outputs 1000 mb of slurry. This slurry needs washing in the Chemical Washer. It is also used in the production of Fissile Fuel.

As of now, none of the x5 ore processing machines (Dissolution Chamber/Washer/Crystalizer) have a Factory version and are difficult to maintain with large ore inputs such as with a Digital Miner.

Note that while JEI may suggest that recipes have a constant cost, there is actually a small variance in gas consumption with every craft. While theoretically it may consume up to 33% more than the listed value, most often the variation is small enough to not be noticeable over a large number of operations. The consumption of Sulfuric acid per operation scales with the number of speed upgrades. 10x speed = 10x gas cost.

By default, it uses 400 J/t and processes one item every five seconds.


Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.


  1. Ore Input
  2. Slurry Tank
  3. Sulfuric Acid Tank
  4. Secondary Gas Tank Input
  5. Energy Buffer
  6. Battery Insertion Slot
  7. Secondary Slurry Output Slot
  8. Block Energy Checker
  9. Redstone Control Button


This block is named as the "Solvation Chamber" in the 1.19.2- version of Mekanism, and possibly others, despite being named correctly in the machine GUI.

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