
NOTE: You must have Mekanism: Tools in order to have any of the Mekanism armor/tools in your game.

Zombies and Skeletons can spawn with any piece of Mekanism's armor.

Zombies can also spawn with any of the corresponding swords.

Types of Armor

Types Defense Armor Toughness Note
Leather Armor 7 () 0
Lapis Lazuli Armor 9 () 0
Golden Armor 11 () 0 Renders piglins neutral
Iron Armor 15 () 0
Bronze Armor 18 ( × 9) 4
Diamond Armor 20 ( × 10) 8
Netherite Armor 20 ( × 10) 12 40% knockback resistance
Osmium Armor 21 ( × 10.5) 12
Refined Glowstone Armor 20 ( × 10) 0 Renders piglins neutral
Steel Armor 20 ( × 10) 8
Refined Obsidian Armor 30 ( × 15) 20 80% knockback resistance

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