Refined Obsidian Armor

(Redirected from Obsidian Armor)
Refined Obsidian Armor
Refined Obsidian HelmetRefined Obsidian ChestplateRefined Obsidian LeggingsRefined Obsidian Boots





Helmet: 550
Chestplate: 800
Leggings: 750
Boots: 650



Refined Obsidian Armor is the highest tier of conventional armor added by Mekanism, having the best durability and defense rating. Refined Obsidian Armor is created using Refined Obsidian Ingots, the most powerful (as well as most expensive) ingot in Mekanism.

An entire equipped set provides 30 defense points, 20 armor toughness and 8 knockback resistance, making this the second most powerful armor in Mekanism, only behind the Mekasuit.


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Piece Durability Defense Points Armor Toughness
Helmet 825 6 () 5
Chestplate 1200 12 () 5
Leggings 1125 8 () 5
Boots 975 5 () 5


  • Minecraft, by default, cannot represent more than 20 defense points in the armor bar. However, the 30 points will still apply.
  • 30 defense points (4% protection per defense point) adds up to a whopping 120% damage reduction, however damage reduction from armor is capped at 80%, and higher damage diminishes the effectiveness of armor. While this armor is powerful, you are far from invincible.

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