Refined Obsidian Ingot

Refined Obsidian Ingot
Refined Obsidian Ingot








The Refined Obsidian Ingot is an ingot created by placing Refined Obsidian Dust into an Osmium Compressor fueled with Liquid Osmium (from Osmium Ingots). It is used to create the most durable and powerful tools and armor in the game (see Obsidian Armor and Obsidian Tools) as well as a few other items. However, it also the most expensive to obtain, requiring at best 1 Diamond and 10 Obsidian to create 10 Refined Obsidian Ingots.


  1. Have a decent power source - The following machines can end up using a lot of Joules per tick, and will slow down or even halt production if not enough energy is supplied to them. However, you can increase their energy efficiency with Energy Upgrades.
  2. Have access to an Enrichment Chamber - for grinding Obsidian into Obsidian Dust and creating Compressed Diamond from Diamond.
  3. Have access to a Metallurgic Infuser - for creating Refined Obsidian Dust from Obsidian Dust.
  4. Have access to an Osmium Compressor - for compressing Osmium Ingot and Refined Obsidian Dust into Refined Obsidian Ingot.
  5. Obtain Osmium Ingots - you will need 1 Osmium Ingot for every Refined Obsidian Ingot you plan to create. You can increase your ore-to-ingot production ratio through various means - see Ore Processing.
  6. Obtain Obsidian - you will need 1 Obsidian for every Refined Obsidian Ingot you plan to create. For methods on obtaining Obsidian, see Obsidian Farming (Official Minecraft Wiki).
  7. Obtain Diamonds - you will need 1 Diamond for every 10 Refined Obsidian Ingot you plan to create. For methods on obtaining Diamonds, see Tutorials/Diamonds (Official Minecraft Wiki).
  8. Create Compressed Diamond - for every 10 Refined Obsidian Ingot you plan to create, insert 1 Diamond into the Enrichment Chamber. Collect the resulting Compressed Diamond.
  9. Create Obsidian Dust - for every Refined Obsidian Ingot you plan to create, insert 1 Obsidian into the Enrichment Chamber. Collect the resulting Obsidian Dust.
  10. Insert Compressed Diamond into the Metallurgic Infuser's Secondary Material Slot - place the Compressed Diamond into the leftmost slot with a purple border.
  11. Insert Obsidian Dust - place the Obsidian Dust into the Metallurgic Infuser's Primary Material Slot (it has a red border). Gather the resulting Refined Obsidian Dust.
  12. Insert Osmium Ingot into the Osmium Compressor's Osmium Slot - go to the Osmium Compressor and place Osmium Ingots into the bottom slot (this will create Liquid Osmium from the Osmium Ingots).
  13. Insert Refined Obsidian Dust - place Refined Obsidian Dust into the Osmium Compressor - this will create the final product, Refined Obsidian Ingot.


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