Osmium Tools

Osmium Tools
Osmium PaxelOsmium PickaxeOsmium AxeOsmium ShovelOsmium HoeOsmium Sword

Mekanism: Tools




Paxel: 2048
Pickaxe: 1024
Axe: 1024
Shovel: 1024
Hoe: 1024
Sword: 1024



Osmium Tools rank second in terms of durability and second in terms of damage, if compared to the other tools from Mekanism. Additionally, their speeds are the same as stone tools in terms of how quickly they can break blocks but can obtain blocks mineable by iron quality tools.


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Tool Durability Attack Damage Attack Speed
Paxel 2048 14 1.6
Pickaxe 1024 6 1.2
Axe 1024 13 1
Shovel 1024 6.5 1
Hoe 1024 1 5
Sword 1024 8 1.6

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