Supercritical Phase Shifter

A Supercritical Phase Shifter is a multiblock structure that consumes large amounts of energy and polonium gas to create antimatter gas, which can be crystallized into antimatter pellets. Antimatter pellets are used in several endgame recipes.


The structure is expensive to build, as each SPS Casing block requires 50,000 mB of processed nuclear waste (4 polonium pellets, 1 plutonium pellet) to craft. As such, the cheapest structure will maximize the amount of reactor glass used and minimize the amount of SPS Casing used. The optimal minimal build consists of

For maximal production exchange one Reactor Glass for an additional SPS Port and a Supercharged Coil.

The frame of the Supercritical Phase Shifter must consist of SPS Casings. The sides, bottom and top can consist of either SPS Casings, Reactor Glass or SPS Ports. In order to insert energy through a port a Supercharged Coil has to be attached to the SPS Port on the inside of the construct. Each side, the bottom and the top will look like:

    o o o
  o x x x o
o x x x x x o
o x x x x x o
o x x x x x o
  o x x x o
    o o o

Where o is a frame and x is a side.

The amount of antimatter per second scales linear with the amount of energy available. The maximum conversion is 2000 mB Polonium converted to 2 mB of Antimatter per Tick. The energy input needed for this is 800 MFE/t. Additional Energy input will be wasted. A maximum of 400 MFE/t can be inserted per SPS Port, therefore 2 Ports are needed for the fastest speed, but 1 is sufficent in most cases.

SPS can be configured, including the amount of polonium and energy required to make 1 mb of antimatter, and how much antimatter the structure can store. Note that the maximum production speed will always be 2 mb/t of antimatter despite configuration changes.

Video Tutorials


  • A functioning SPS is one of the two multiblocks in Mekanism that deals damage to entities inside of them. In this case, all entities inside the SPS takes magic damage equal to 1/1000 of the SPS' current energy consumption approximately once per second.
    • As the SPS often receives hundreds of millions of energy per tick, this practically guarantees a kill.
    • Even if the player wears a full set of the MekaSuit, fully charged and upgraded with Energy Units and Inhalation Purification Unit, a maximum speed SPS will still kill them in around twenty seconds.

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