Isotopic Centrifuge
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The Isotopic Centrifuge is used with a Fission Reactor, wither processing Uranium Hexafluoride into Fissile Fuel, OR processing Nuclear Waste into Plutonium. It can receive input on any side of the bottom block except up. The top block can not receive inputs or give outputs.
It holds up to 10,000mB of processed product inside its internal storage, and processes 1 mB/t at base.
Notably, each speed upgrade doubles its operation speed, for 256 mB/t at max upgrades.
Crafting recipe
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The Isotopic Centrifuge provides two recipes:
A) 10 mb of Nuclear Waste into 1 mb of Plutonium;
B) 1 mb of Uranium Hexafluoride into 1 mb of Fissile Fuel.

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