Universal Cable

(Redirected from Basic Universal Cable)
Universal Cable
Basic Universal CableAdvanced Universal CableElite Universal CableUltimate Universal Cable





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Universal Cables are Mekanism's way to transfer power. They are capable of transferring Mekanism's power Joules (J), as well as a variety of other power types such as Thermal Expansion's Redstone Flux (RF), Buildcraft's Minecraftjoules (MJ), and Industrialcraft Energy Unit (EU). This flexibility allows players to mix power generation from different mods while still only using one type of cabling.

Cable Mechanics

Each cable network has a certain transfer rate and capacity (energy stored in the cables). The capacity is the sum of the capacity of all cables in a network, the transfer rate is the same, but per tick.

Connecting and Routing Cables

If a cable is next to another, the two will connect. Likewise, if the cable is near a machine and its side can accept energy, then the two will be connected. For cable/machine connection you have the option of using shift + right clicking with the Configurator on the cable segment to break the connection.

In previous versions, all cables are ForgeMultipart compatible, meaning you can place Microblock covers in the same space as cables and vice versa. Non-hollow covers can block connections between cables as well as machinery if the cover was placed down before the cable was. Hollow covers can be placed over cables that have an existing connection.

In v9, all cables are MCMultiPart compatible, which is used by Chisels n Bits, allowing you to place Bits in the same block as cables.

Upgrading cables

In Mekanism V10, cables can be upgraded in-world to higher tiers by right-clicking with the appropriate material - Infused Alloy to upgrade from Basic to Advanced, Reinforced Alloy to upgrade from Advanced to Elite, and Atomic Alloy to upgrade from Elite to Ultimate. This will upgrade up to eight connected cables at once, and consumes the alloy. Note that if this is used for less than eight cables, the alloy is still consumed.

Cable Types

Name Recipe Capacity (J/t)

Basic Universal Cable

Basic Universal Cable8
Steel Ingot Redstone Steel Ingot

8 kJ

Advanced Universal Cable
Basic Universal Cable Basic Universal Cable Basic Universal Cable Advanced Universal Cable8
Basic Universal Cable Enriched Alloy Basic Universal Cable
Basic Universal Cable Basic Universal Cable Basic Universal Cable
128 kJ

Elite Universal Cable
Advanced Universal Cable Advanced Universal Cable Advanced Universal Cable Elite Universal Cable8
Advanced Universal Cable Reinforced Alloy Advanced Universal Cable
Advanced Universal Cable Advanced Universal Cable Advanced Universal Cable
1.02 MJ

Ultimate Universal Cable
Elite Universal Cable Elite Universal Cable Elite Universal Cable Ultimate Universal Cable8
Elite Universal Cable Atomic Alloy Elite Universal Cable
Elite Universal Cable Elite Universal Cable Elite Universal Cable
8.19 MJ

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