Pressurized Tube

Revision as of 18:35, 26 July 2021 by Mrfio (talk | contribs) (adds a few gasses to the list of things pressurized tubes can transport)
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Pressurized Tube
Basic Pressurized TubeAdvanced Pressurized TubeElite Pressurized TubeUltimate Pressurized Tube



Transportation Pipe


A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

Pressurized Tubes are used to transport Gases. Similar to their mechanical counterparts, they can be upgraded to higher tiers to increase the flow rate and capacity of pumped gases. The Pump Rate limitation declared in the tooltip only regards the active pumping. The Pipe can take in more if the Device can output itself and there is enough buffer in the network.

Currently it can transport:

Crafting Recipe

Basic Pressurized Tube8
Steel Ingot Glass Steel Ingot

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