Gravitational Modulating Unit

Revision as of 08:14, 18 February 2024 by SoccPuppet (talk | contribs) (updated with energy cost and boost)
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Gravitational Modulating Unit
Gravitational Modulating Unit








"Using experimental technologies and the tremendous energy of antimatter, allows the user to defy gravity."

Gravitational Modulating Units are modules that allows the user to utilize creative flight. If the MekaSuit bodyarmor also has a Jetpack Unit installed, the Jetpack Unit will be automatically disabled if the Gravitational Modulating Unit is enabled, and vice versa.

1000 Joules of energy is consumed per tick while flying, but it can be configured. While flying, holding down the boost key (default: Left Ctrl) will boost the player in their facing direction at a much faster speed than flying. This stacks with normal flight movement, but will quadruple the energy cost while active.

Max unit per bodyarmor: 1


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