Induction Matrix

Revision as of 21:52, 5 July 2023 by Tobsam (talk | contribs) (Faces can also use Reactor Glass and Structural Glass in v10.3.8)

The Induction Matrix is a highly configurable multi-block energy storage structure. It is built using Induction Casing and Induction Port for the casing, and any combination of Air, Induction Providers and Induction Cells.

Video Tutorial

All links refer to YouTube's watch page.

EsquilãoBR Tutorial PT-BR

Creation Rules

A correctly formed Induction Matrix will spark once with Redstone Particles when you place down the last block, and will also have an interface when right-clicking the block. Note: To make the Induction Matrix function properly, you will want to have one Induction Port configured to input and one Induction Port to output, using a Configurator

Assembly rules:

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