Atomic Disassembler

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Atomic Disassembler
Atomic Disassembler.png
Atomic Disassembler





1.0 MJ (400.0 kFE) Rechargable)



The Atomic Disassembler is Mekanism's an all-in-one tool, essentially the ultimate, electronic version of the paxel.

Tools the Atomic Disassembler replaces:

  • Pickaxe
  • Axe
  • Shovel
  • Scoop1

Notable tools the Atomic Disassembler does not replace:

  • Shears
  • Saw
  • Sword - Although a very formidable weapon dealing an average of 20 health points, the Atomic Disassembler cannot swing attack.

The Atomic Disassembler has five different settings which may be cycled through by Shift + Right clicking or using the Item mode switch keybind:

  • Normal (202)
    • The default setting
    • Works as if a diamond version of every tool with Efficiency II.
  • Slow (82)
    • Works as if a diamond version of every tool.
  • Fast (1282)
    • Works as if a diamond version of every tool with Efficiency V.
  • Off (02)
    • Does not affect the world around it, except for mobs.
    • Good setting to leave it on if you intend to use it as your main weapon... and don't want to dig yourself into a death trap.

1Only if Forestry mod is installed; 2Number of Joules cost per swing; 3Sometimes has trouble with logs/ore blocks that are not taxicab adjacent to another;

Crafting Recipe

Ingredients Crafting recipe

Infused Alloy +
Energy Tablet +
Atomic Alloy +
Refined Obsidian Ingot

Infused Alloy Energy Tablet Infused Alloy Grid layout Arrow (small).png Atomic Disassembler
Infused Alloy Atomic Alloy Infused Alloy

Refined Obsidian Ingot

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