Chemical Washer

Revision as of 23:01, 29 November 2024 by Revontulet (talk | contribs) (Added a note to mention the block goes by a different name in other versions of Mekanism, as otherwise it causes a lot of confusion when trying to find information on ore processing.)
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Chemical Washer
Chemical Washer.png
Chemical Washer









200 J/t

The Chemical Washer turns Slurry into Clean Slurry using Water. The clean slurry then needs to be further refined by pumping it into a Chemical Crystallizer. Note that unlike most Mekanism machines this one has fixed "in" and "out" sides for the mineral flow. "In" will be on the left when first placed and "out" is on the right. It can of course be rotated with the Configurator. Water is piped in through the top of the machine.


Refined Obsidian Ingot Basic Fluid Tank Refined Obsidian Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Chemical Washer
Ultimate Control Circuit Steel Casing Ultimate Control Circuit
Refined Obsidian Ingot Basic Chemical Tank Refined Obsidian Ingot




This machine is named the "Acid Scrubber" in the 1.19.2- version of Mekanism, and possibly others, despite being named properly in the machine GUI.

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