Combiner: Difference between revisions

Yutang (talk | contribs)
Updated Sidebar info and pre 17.10 recipe
Yutang (talk | contribs)
m Corrected GUI labels
Line 37: Line 37:
# Upgrade Tab
# Upgrade Tab
# Security Tab
# Security Tab
# Dump Infusion Material Buffer
# Side Configuration Tab
# Side Configuration Tab
# Transporter Configuration Tab
# Transporter Configuration Tab

Latest revision as of 09:48, 6 August 2016






A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block



Factory version?



20 RF/t

The Combiner allows the player to create an ore block from 8 dust. Place the ore dust in the top slot, and some cobblestone in the bottom slot, and it will combine to make the ore block. It requires 1000J per operation. Works with the dust of copper, iron, tin, osmium, obsidian (only needs 4) and gold. Also allows 1 Flint to a gravel block and 16 Redstone/Lapis to their ores.

Crafting Recipe

Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.

Pre 1.7.10 Recipe: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.


Combiner GUI
  1. Input Slot
  2. Output Slot
  3. Energy Slot
  4. Energy Buffer
  5. Upgrade Tab
  6. Security Tab
  7. Side Configuration Tab
  8. Transporter Configuration Tab
  9. Energy Information
  10. Redstone Control
  11. Infusion Material Slot
  12. Infusion Material Buffer

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