
Revision as of 01:48, 24 May 2015 by Zakdwyer (talk | contribs) (Page creation; information about each tool and how relatively powerful/durable/efficient they are compared to other tools, including vanilla tools.)
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Mekanism adds the ability to use various materials to create tools, including:


Icon Material Durability (HP) Speed Damage
(hand) - 1 -
Grid Wooden Pickaxe.png Wood 60 2 5
Grid Stone Pickaxe.png Stone 130 3 6
Grid Lapis Lazuli Pickaxe.png Lapis Lazuli 200 4 6
Grid Iron Pickaxe.png Iron 250 5 7
Grid Diamond Pickaxe.png Diamond 1560 6 8
Grid Osmium Pickaxe.png Osmium 500 7 8
File:Grid Gold Pickaxe.png Gold 33 8 5
Grid Glowstone Pickaxe.png Glowstone 300 8 9
Grid Bronze Pickaxe.png Bronze 800 8 10
Grid Steel Pickaxe.png Steel 850 8 9
Grid Obsidian Pickaxe.png Obsidian 2500 9 14
  • Durability: Durability of tools made with this material (not including the Paxel, which generally has a bonus of 25-35% more durability).
  • Speed: Measured in ranks compared to the lowest tiers of tools (hand/wooden) and highest tiers of tools (Obsidian). Note that Paxels have a speed boost.
  • Damage: Damage dealt with a Sword made with this material.
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