Template:Message box/doc

Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.


This template is used to add consistent styling to message boxes.

Basic usage

| title = This is a normal message box
| text = With helpful and descriptive subtext

Will result in:

This is a normal message box
With helpful and descriptive subtext

An icon can be added to indicate the type of the message:

| icon = info-sign
| text = This is a message box with an information icon

Will result in:

This is a message box with an information icon

The Font Awesome Icons are used here (without the icon- prefix).

Advanced usage

| bgcol = #eef
| linecol = #ddf
| textcol = #336
| icon = flag
| title = This is a purple message box
| text = It is customized with some extra CSS
| css = box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #888;

Will result in:

This is a purple message box
It is customized with some extra CSS


This template automatically adds templates that use it to Category:Notice templates. To prevent that, simply set the parameter {{{nocat}}}

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