
Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.

This template uses Module:Grid, a script written in Lua.
Please see wp:Lua and mw:Extension:Scribunto to learn more.

This template is used to create a grid that looks similar to the Furnace's GUI screen.

See Template:Grid for basic grid usage, this documentation page will cover additional or different functions.



|Mod    = Default mod name
|Input  = Mod:InputName,Amount
|Output = Mod:OutputName,Amount
|Fuel   = Mod:FuelName,Amount

Standard usage

|Input=  Sand,17
|Output= Glass,2
|Fuel=   Coal,3
Sand17 Glass2

See the image list below for all usable image names.


To make the grid animate, you make a list of blocks and objects you want to show, separated by semicolons.

|Input=  Sand,17; Oak Wood,10
|Output= Glass,2; Charcoal,10
|Fuel=   Coal,3
Sand17Oak Wood10 Glass2Charcoal10

Available images

See also

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