Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.
Supported Named/Symbol shortcuts
Arrow keys
- {{key|up}}
- ↑
- {{key|down}}
- ↓
- {{key|left}}
- ←
- {{key|right}}
- →
Other common keys
- {{key|shift}}
- ⇧ Shift
- {{key|lshift}}
- ⇧ Left Shift
- {{key|rshift}}
- ⇧ Right Shift
- {{key|enter}}
- ↵ Enter
- {{key|tab}}
- Tab ↹
- {{key|backspace}}
- ← Backspace
Mac-only keys
- {{key|cmd}}
- ⌘ Cmd
- {{key|command}}
- ⌘ Command
- {{key|opt}}
- ⌥ Opt
Non-Mac keys
- {{key|super}}
- ⊞ Super (also called “windows” Key)
- {{key|menu}}
- ≣ Menu
Xbox Controller buttons
- {{key|xb-a}}
- Ⓐ
- {{xb-b}}
- Ⓑ
- {{xb-x}}
- Ⓧ
- {{xb-y}}
- Ⓨ
- {{xb-lb}}
- ╼ (Left Bumper)
- {{xb-rb}}
- ╾ (Right Bumper)
- {{xb-lt}}
- ⟅ (Left Trigger)
- {{xb-rt}}
- ⟆ (Right Trigger)
- {{xb-back}}
- ◀
- {{xb-start}}
- ▶
All other text used in this template will be used verbatim.
This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.