Bronze Armor

(Redirected from Bronze Helmet)
Bronze Armor
Bronze Armor.png
Bronze HelmetBronze ChestplateBronze LeggingsBronze Boots





Helmet: 385 Hits
Chestplate: 560 Hits
Leggings: 525 Hits
Boots: 455 Hits



Armor made out of Bronze Ingots.


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe

Bronze Helmet

Bronze Ingot

Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Bronze Helmet
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot

Bronze Chestplate

Bronze Ingot

Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Bronze Chestplate
Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot

Bronze Leggings

Bronze Ingot

Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Bronze Ingot Grid layout Arrow (small).png Bronze Leggings
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot

Bronze Boots

Bronze Ingot

Grid layout Arrow (small).png Bronze Boots
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Ingot


Piece HP Defense Points Armor Toughness
Grid Bronze Helmet.png Helmet 198 3 (Armor.svgHalf Armor.svg) 1
Grid Bronze Chestplate.png Chestplate 288 7 (Armor.svgArmor.svgArmor.svgHalf Armor.svg) 1
Grid Bronze Leggings.png Leggings 270 6 (Armor.svgArmor.svgArmor.svg) 1
Grid Bronze Boots.png Boots 234 2 (Armor.svg) 1

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